Tex-math latex is not supported in eLife Lens
In OJS there is a plugin to view the JATS with eLife Lens XML Viewer. After we have tested the result of the JATS from the editor, we found that the eLife Lens have limitation on viewing a mathematical formula / equation. This is not caused by the editor. This is because the plugin itself that does not support Latex format in the tex-math tag. However tex-math tag should have correct and complete Latex format when we try to validate using DTD and PMC validator.
When we were in the process of development we have two option to fix this :
- Remove the Latex in the tex-math to support the eLife Lens viewer.
- Focus on the validation from PMC and DTD
Because our consideration of create the editor to have 100% result with the validation of the JATS validator that is mandatory for indexing such as in PUBMED and EBSCO, then our decision is the second option.
Long desc tag does not support in eLife Lens
The second issue is, this plugin does not support long-desc tag that often found in the table and figures that have long description.
For more detail can be seen in this case
So you may have different preview between what you have seen in the editor and the eLife Lens plugin. However this does not decrease the usability of the JATS as we are more focused on the compatibility of PMC and EBSCO.