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For OJS (Open Journal System) User

1 min read

Follow this instruction for OJS user #

First step before using the editor, you should install OJT Control Panel, the detailed instruction can be obtained here.

After you have install the plugins, you can download the JATS Editor Plugin that can be found in the OJT Control Panel Gallery.

Jats Editor Plugin

Setting up the JATS Editor Plugin #

After you have install the JATS Editor, then you can open the menu “JATS Editor” and initiate the process.

1. Creating a new account that will be used in the #

2. Login using your account #

Once you have added your account the plugin, then you can go back to OJT Control Panel and click “Continue with JATS Editor”

Then, for sync your metadata to JATS Editor, select your organization

3. List issue and prepare importing article data to #

After you have settled up everything in the plugin, you can list the issue and for example click one of the issue to list all the article in that issue.

In the list of issue you can click “Create JATS” button.

You will be redirect to the along with the journal and article meta tag that have been added to the editor.

Here is some of the meta data that getting imported to the editor :

Journal Meta data :

  1. Publisher name
  2. Publisher ISSN

Article Meta data :

  1. Article title and its subtitle
  2. Authors and ORCID record of its author
  3. DOI
  4. Reference

Note with eLife Lens XML Viewer #

For some note with the eLife Lens OJS XML viewer can be found here :

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